Known As: Buttercup
Latin Name: Ranunculaceae family Ranunculus spp.
Description: Family is comprised of about 58 genera and 1750
species which include a number of ornamental plants such as Adonis, Clematis,
Delphinium, Anemone, Larkspur, and Columbine. Common buttercups have
shiny, conspicouous, lemon-yellow, cup-shaped flowers. Size varies depending
on type. Leaves are arranged alternately and lack stipules. Flowers
have 5 petals and 5 stamens and numerous seeds.
Poisonous Parts: Fresh leaves, sap and stems. Tissues
produce a harmless glycoside that breaks down spontaneously to form an
oily substance, protoanemonin, which is a strong irritant.
Symptoms: Produces varied toxic effects of the gastrointestinal
tract and the nervous system. Causes salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain,
cramps, and diarrhea. In some cases, plant also causes dermatitis.
Treatment: Unless your cat is unconscious or having convulsions,
induce vomiting and follow procedures to delay
absorption and speed elimination. Get prompt veterinary assistance.
Minor irritation will resolve on its own.