Known As: Black Hellebore, Christmase Rose, Easter Rose, Lenten
Latin Name: Helleborus Niger, Helleborus Orientalis
Description: Member of the Buttercup family. Evergreen
rhizomatous perennial up to 13.5 inches high growing in clumps. Flowers
from December through April with 2 or 3 large flowers. New flower
buds form February through May. Has a stalk but no true leafy stem.
Leaves are basal, alternate, palmately clet with long petioles. They
consist of 7-9 dark green shiny leaflets. They are tough, narrow
and lance-shaped. Flowers are few but large and are white suffused
with pink Petals are smal and tubular with numerous stamens.
Poisonous Parts: Entire plant. Contains Cardian
glycosides (bufadienole hellebrin), Saponins, Ranunculosides. Toxins
are glycosides helleborin and helleborein.
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea. Violently emetic.
Affects cardiovascular system. Can also cause dermatitis.
Treatment: Contact your veterinarian. Treatment
for cardiac glycoside poisoning: atropine and deactivated charcoal, lidocaine
for H. viridis.