Known As: Daphne, Dwarf Bay, February Daphne, Flowering Spurge,
Lady Laurel, Paradise Plant, Spurge Olive, Spurge Laurel, Wood Laurel.
Latin Name: Daphne mezereum
Description: Deciduous or evergreen shrub with alternating lance-shaped
leaves. Clusters of fragrant flowers ranging in color from lilac
to rose/purple and white with 2 or 3 blossoms per clester. Small
red or yellow berries.
Poisonous parts: All parts. Contains the toxins Diterpenoid
(mezerein) and Daphnin, a bitter, poisonous glycoside.. Highly
Symptoms: If eaten, swelling around the mouth, thirst, vomiting,
internal bleeding with bloody diarrhea, coma. Skin irritation upon
contact with leaves.
Treatment: Contact your veterinarian.