Known As: Easter Lily
Latin Name: Lilium longiflorum
Description: Tall lily plant with alternating lance-shaped leaves
along the stem and clusters of white lily shaped flowers.
Poisonous Parts: Leaves primarily, stems and flowers may
also be toxic.
Symptoms: Gastrointestinal irritation (vomiting), depression,
lack of appetite. Highly toxic to cats only. Cats begin to vomit
within an hour or so. The cat then becomes depressed over the next half
day as the toxin begins to affect the kidneys. Within 48 to 96 hours after
consumption, the cat will tend to show signs of clinical kidney failure:
increased urination, depression, stomach upset, dehydration. Death tends
to occur within 5 days.
Treatment: Contact a veterinarian immediately. If emergency
treatment starts within 6 hours of consumption, the cat has a good chance
at recovery. Treatment generally consists of emptying the gastrointestinal
tract and intravenous fluid therapy. If 18 hours has elapsed, the
cat may not survive.