Calculate inbreeding coefficient
The inbreeding coefficient is calculated with Wright's equation
The inbreeding coefficient is the probabillity that for any given gene both alleles come from the same ancestor.
IC of 0-10 is low
IC of 10-20 is medium
IC 20+ is high
There is no direct relation between the genetic health and the IC.
In other words an animal with a low IC is not per definition genetically healthier then an animal with a high IC.
Planned Mating
1- Go to the pedigree of one of the proposed parents.
2- Enter the name of part of the name of the other proposed parent in the textfield.
3- Press the "Planned mating" button and pick the other proposed parent.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
Find ancestor
1- Enter the name of part of the name of the ancestor to find in the textfield.
2- Press the "Find Ancestor" button and pick the ancestor to find.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
russianblue - database Rendered pedigrees:
avrg: 149 - yesterday: 133 - today: 43 - total: 910310
web-interface ©2004 gpv
RW Talisker Crossfire
Male - Blue (16a) (RUS a)
TICA SBT050195 011 CA/CA - Russian Blue
05-01-1995 - 01-06-2011 (m-d-y) Age: 15 years, 8 months
IC-10: 19.54%;
ACL-10: 16.63%;
ACL-5: 93.55%


GC BW NW (CFA) Tylona's Leonardo, DM
Blue (16a) CPC
(RUS a)
CFA 0500-812907 US/US
Russian Blue
09-01-1992 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 16.05%ACL-10: 14.83% 
GC Azurski's Wild Blue Yonder, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-511249 US/US
Russian Blue
10-10-1988 (m-d-y) 
GC Katstarz Ashby of Azurski
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-399262 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC Katstarz Alympian of Tsar Blu, DM 
GC Tsar Blu's Zouthrn Bell of Katstarz 
GC Wynterwynd Resolution of Azurski, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0242213 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC (CFA) Suntar's Aces High 
GC Ikon Love 'N Kisses, DM 
GC Tylona's Sparkle Plenty, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0552660 US/US
Russian Blue
05-19-1989 (m-d-y) 
GC PC Tylona's Ring In The Blue
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-0448149 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC Tylona's Aeolus 
Ch Casein's Rosanna Banana 
GC Tylona's Andromeda
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0192974 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC Jontue's Silver Artistry of Shibumi 
Ch Tylona's Silhouette 
Ch (CFA) Tsar Blu's Zafire of Kyina (Imp)
Blue (16a)
(RUS a)
CFA 0501-929744 US/CA
Russian Blue
03-26-1994 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 32.5%ACL-10: 12.02% 
Ch (CFA) Tsar Blu's Zomega Son
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-0517337 US/US
Russian Blue
06-20-1988 (m-d-y) 
GC Tsar Blu's Zorian Grey
Blue (16a) CPC (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1496 V110 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC, RW (CFA) Hy-Line Dr Zhivago of Tsar Blu 
Ch (CFA) Velva's Valerie Fair of Tsar Blu, DM 
Silver Acres Viva
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0175603 US/US - Russian Blue 
Silver Acres Bravo 
Ch (CFA) Miribu's Sunshine, DM 
Tsar Blu's Zarlin'
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0694558 US/US
Russian Blue
01-07-1990 (m-d-y) 
GC, NW Tsar Blu's Zarin, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-448976 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC, NW Tsar Blu's Zane Grey, DM 
Ch Tsar Blu's Zolly 
Tsar Blu's Zingle
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-0517339 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC, NW, BW (CFA) Jontue's Harmony of Silver Acres 
GC Tsar Blu's Zorina 
Starts with:Ends with:Includes:
    23275 Records in database