Calculate inbreeding coefficient
The inbreeding coefficient is calculated with Wright's equation
The inbreeding coefficient is the probabillity that for any given gene both alleles come from the same ancestor.
IC of 0-10 is low
IC of 10-20 is medium
IC 20+ is high
There is no direct relation between the genetic health and the IC.
In other words an animal with a low IC is not per definition genetically healthier then an animal with a high IC.
Planned Mating
1- Go to the pedigree of one of the proposed parents.
2- Enter the name of part of the name of the other proposed parent in the textfield.
3- Press the "Planned mating" button and pick the other proposed parent.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
Find ancestor
1- Enter the name of part of the name of the ancestor to find in the textfield.
2- Press the "Find Ancestor" button and pick the ancestor to find.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
russianblue - database Rendered pedigrees:
avrg: 149 - yesterday: 147 - today: 24 - total: 906091
web-interface ©2004 gpv
Grisaille's Victory (Imp)
Male - Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-02977011 (US/NO) - Russian Blue
02-17-2022 (m-d-y) Age: 2 years, 10 months
Breeder: Krista Schmitt-Karen Boyce
Owner: Laila Hoddoa
Source: CFA Registration Slip
IC-10: 4.29%;
ACL-10: 37.83%;
ACL-5: 90.32%


GC, RW (CFA) Valnika's Night Moves of Grisaille
Blue (16a)
(RUS a)
CFA 0500-02503309 US/US
F11E Russian Blue
12-15-2016 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 10.96%ACL-10: 37.73% 
GC RW Valnika's Silver Bullet
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-01734744 US/US
F10E Russian Blue
07-17-2011 (m-d-y) 
GC RW (CFA) IW SGC (TICA) Valnika's Silverstone, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1613283 US/US - F9E Russian Blue 
Ch Cynful's Worlock 
Ch Valnika's Blue Topaz, DM 
GC, NW Kaybrook Sumthinborrowed Sumthinblu DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-1446128 - Russian Blue 
GC, RW Samovar Kasper of Kaybrook, DM 
GC Kaybrook's Kalisa, DM 
Ch (CFA) Seeneekat's Valentina of Valnika
Blue (16a) CPC (RUS a)
US 0501-02122123 US/US
F11E Russian Blue
09-06-2015 (m-d-y) 
Seeneekat's Ivan Dablu
Blue (16a) CPC (RUS a)
CFA 0500-02038227 - F10E Russian Blue 
GC RW (CFA) IW SGC (TICA) Valnika's Silverstone, DM 
Seeneekat's Deelightfully Blue 
Ch (CFA) Seeneekat's Zoe
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-01787629 US/US - F18E Russian Blue 
Velva's Independently Blue 
Ch Seeneekat's Tasha 
Novablue's Pawdicure Day at The Spa
Blue (16a)
(RUS a)
CFA 0501-02848549 US/US
F13E Russian Blue
09-23-2019 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 3.03%ACL-10: 38.32% 
GC, RW Starchildren Shogun of Grisaille
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-02733118 JP/US
F17E Russian Blue
09-05-2017 (m-d-y) 
Starchildren Morning Bird
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
0500-01797614 - F16E Russian Blue 
GC, RW (CFA) Grisaille's Maverick of Starchild (Imp) 
RW SGC (TICA) GC (CFA) Lisio Shouen of Starchildren 
Ch Kafka Columba of Starchildren
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
Japan 0501-02028458 JP/JP - F16E Russian Blue 
GC RW (CFA) Tsar Blu's Zinbad of Lisio (Imp) 
GC (CFA) Lisio Yuuki of Kafka 
GC, RW (CFA) Star Azure's Fabineki of Novablue
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-02718989 US/US
F12E Russian Blue
07-03-2017 (m-d-y) 
Ch Wychwood Telemachus of Seeneekat
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-02069247 UK/US - F13E Russian Blue 
GC (CFA) SGC, GIC, GIP(FIFe) Wynterwynd Moon River DVM, DSM (Imp) 
Wychwood Naima Moon 
Grisaille's Bellatrix of Star Azure, DM
Blue (16a) CPC (RUS a)
CFA 0501-02311252 US/US - F11E Russian Blue 
GC RW Kuorii Ku-Jo Of Grisaille (Imp) 
Ch Valnika Silver Dreams of Grisaille 
Starts with:Ends with:Includes:
    23256 Records in database