Calculate inbreeding coefficient
The inbreeding coefficient is calculated with Wright's equation
The inbreeding coefficient is the probabillity that for any given gene both alleles come from the same ancestor.
IC of 0-10 is low
IC of 10-20 is medium
IC 20+ is high
There is no direct relation between the genetic health and the IC.
In other words an animal with a low IC is not per definition genetically healthier then an animal with a high IC.
Planned Mating
1- Go to the pedigree of one of the proposed parents.
2- Enter the name of part of the name of the other proposed parent in the textfield.
3- Press the "Planned mating" button and pick the other proposed parent.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
Find ancestor
1- Enter the name of part of the name of the ancestor to find in the textfield.
2- Press the "Find Ancestor" button and pick the ancestor to find.
Wildcards * and ? can be used in the textfield.
The radio buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes" control which part of the names are compared.
russianblue - database Rendered pedigrees:
avrg: 149 - yesterday: 87 - today: 70 - total: 904286
web-interface ©2004 gpv
IC Gamachare Dragonfly
Male - Blue (16a) (RUS a)
DEKZV LO 350756 DE/DE - Russian Blue
05-27-2010 (m-d-y) Age: -1 years, 11 months
Source: Uploaded Record, Certified Pedigree
IC-10: 6.85%;
ACL-10: 37.24%;
IC-5: 0.84%;
ACL-5: 90.32%


Ch Keepsake Kitty Tolstoi's Child
Blue (16a)
(RUS a)
Russian Blue
04-25-2004 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 6.5%ACL-10: 30.4% 
GC, RW(CFA) Snow-Island Lodestone
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1354759 JP/JP
Russian Blue
03-17-2001 (m-d-y) 
GC, RW(CFA) Heartbeeps Rocketman of Snow-Island (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1277391 US/JP - Russian Blue 
GC (CFA) Heartbeeps Panama Jack, DM 
Ch Heartbeeps Sailor's Delight 
GC (CFA) Wynterwynd Cloud of Snow-Island (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-1149031 US/JP - Russian Blue 
GC Azurski's Wild Blue Yonder, DM 
Ch Wynterwynd Tempting Fate 
IC A* Happy Go Lucky Tolstoi's Child
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
Russian Blue
07-05-2003 (m-d-y) 
EC Starchild Heartbreaker of Flashpaw's DM (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
A-OVEK-LO-0011627 JP/AT - Russian Blue 
GC (CFA) Tylona's Wild Card of Starchild (Imp) 
RW SGC (TICA) Starchild Mira 
IC A* Dolce Vita Tolstoi's Child
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
Austria AT/AT - Russian Blue 
Pr, EC, SGC Chaskara Flashpaws, DM (Imp) 
EC A* Anneliese Tolstoi's Child 
IC Gamachare Tanana's Sunshine
Blue (16a)
(RUS a)
F14E Russian Blue
07-15-2008 (m-d-y)
IC-10: 7.04%ACL-10: 36.27% 
EC Cynful's Right On Target (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1553481 US/AT
F13E Russian Blue
11-06-2005 (m-d-y) 
GC, RW Czarcatz Ready Take Aim, DM
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1475932 US/US - Russian Blue 
GC (CFA) Heartbeeps Panama Jack, DM 
GC, NW Czarcatz Aim High, DM 
Ch Scobeck's Chances Are of Grisaille
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-1434647 - F12E Russian Blue 
Ch Scobeck's Wild Terror And Delight 
Scobeck's Wildest Chance To Take 
IC Jumillas Tanana Aurora
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
(D)DEKZV LO 319892 DE/DE
Russian Blue
06-14-2006 (m-d-y) 
GIC SC, CFA Ch Dynamo Alaska, DM (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0500-1512838 US/DE - Russian Blue 
QGC (TICA) Tahtikissa Mikko 
GC (CFA) Heartbeeps Meri of Starcats 
Ch (CFA) Dynamo Aurora, DM (Imp)
Blue (16a) (RUS a)
CFA 0501-1512837 US/DE - Russian Blue 
Ch Naboo Fraser Fir of Starcats 
Starcats Niina 
Starts with:Ends with:Includes:
    23229 Records in database