Genetic statistics for:
Soul Love Tyichi X Snow-Island Blue Sparrow
Inbreeding coefficient: 5.37%
Parents coefficient of kinship: 10.25%
Calculated generations: 9
Possible # of ancestors: 1022
Ancestors found: 1022
Common ancestors with a significant (>2%) part in the IC
Roxanastasia's Aleksander Balandin, DM4 %
Roxanastasia's Bela Karolyi, DM10 %
Roxanastasia Legacy II3 %
Roxanastasia's Svetlana2 %
Friday's Electra Glide In Blue, DM5 %
Roxanastasia's Oksana Gritschok, DM5 %
Katstarz Alympian of Tsar Blu, DM6 %
Tsar Blu's Zouthrn Bell of Katstarz3 %
Voce Gatto's Forbidden Fruit16 %
Voce Gatto Yuria17 %
Azurski's Wild Blue Yonder, DM10 %
Heartbeeps Panama Jack, DM3 %