Database Description & What's New
The purpose of this database is to create an historical record of the Russian Blue based on genotype.
It is a private database that is used for several research purposes:
- The history of the Russian Blue breed
- The genotype of the Russian Blue breed
- GUI interaction with data
- Use of open source solutions to deliver content
- Ways people establish credibility in a virtual environment
- What do people see as needed for an ideal online pedigree database
The only people authorized to review the data in this database are those who are members of the russianblue_breeders group on Yahoo.
Below you will find information about how to use the database. We've also been busy making some changes that you might want to know about if you have not visited for a while.:
- New Features
- Extended Pictures: Allows multiple pictures on the pedigree
- Notebooks Links to a Notebook you create and own and can update at any time
- Video Link to a video of your cat
- COI Now calculated over 5 and 10 generations
- ALC added: Ancestor Loss Coefficient added; calculated over 5 and 10 generations
- Searches
- Enter a name or part of a name in the text field and press the Search button.
The search is not case sensitive.
When a exact match is not found it will try to match using the search string as part of the name.
Which part of the name depends on the buttons "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Includes".
- List dead ends
- Enter part of a name in the text field and press the "List dead ends" button.
The search is not case sensitive.
For instance with "Starts with" selected and Casa Gatos in the text field all dead ends starting with Casa Gatos will be listed.
- Wildcards
- ?
- To match any character on a specific location in the seach string use ?.
a?i will match aai, abi, aci, etc. ?ose will match bose, rose, nose......
- *
- To match any number of characters use *
b*o will match bambino and bio or brothers porto folio
- Genotypes
When looking at genotypes it is important to understand that some registries will not register a cat as a Russian Blue if it has any cat that is a longhair or a color other than blue or a cat that is of unknown parentage anywhere in an 8 generation pedigree. It is also important to understand how far back in the pedigree the undesirable genotype occurs as the risk of inheriting the undesirable characteristic reduces with each generation however that risk never returns to 0 so if a recessive is in the pedigree there is always a chance it will reappear under the right circumstances unless the parents or ancestors have been DNA-tested free of the characteristic. Breeders use this information to make informed decisions about their breeding programs.
- Fx RB Foundation
- Historical identifier showing how the breed was developed. RB Foundation refers to the original crosses used to develop the Russian Blue in the late 1800s and early 1900s as well as the post-World War II outcrosses used to maintain the genetic viability of the breed. Fx indicates how many generations the cat is from the original foundation cat where x = the number of generations back.
- Russian Shorthair (also formerly seen as Muscovy and Romanoff)
- Some breeders have crossed to domestic shorthairs to introduce different colors. The standards for the majority of associations worldwide state blue only; a few recognize different colors as experimental; and a handful recognize them for championship competition. For example, ACFA recognizes the Russian Shorthair for championship competition in addition to the Russian Blue--the Russian Shorthair includes whites & blacks. Another example is Australia where whites and blacks are recognized for championship competition as Russian Blues. Since there is variation in how different registering organizations see colors other than blue, this database uses the term Russian Shorthair as the genotype descriptor for these cats to record their background. (In the past Muscovy and Romanoff have also been used as genotype descriptors for these cats.) RSH is used in the EMS field as the breed code. Please note, there is no such breed as the Muscovy or the Romanoff--it was used in this database to characterize a specific genotype meaning there is a cat other than blue in the previous 8 generations. After 8 generations of breeding blue x blue, these cats change the Genotype Identifier to Russian Blue from Russian Shorthair but retain an identifier that there is a cat other than blue in the background.
- FxM
- Records the historical genotype of the cat. M indicates a color other than blue in the pedigree and Fx indicates the number of generations back the non-blue cat occurs where x = the number of generations.
- Nebelung
- Some breeders have chosen to use the Russian Blue as an outcross for developing a longhair blue cat known as the Nebelung. Some of the newer registries allow the shorthaired offspring of these cats to be registered as Russian Blues even though they may carry the longhair gene--some of these registries use VAR to indicate the shorthaired blue carries the longhair gene. In some registries, these shorthaired blue offspring are registered as Nebelungs because they could carry the longhair gene. In this database cats that have a longhair behind them are designated with a genotype of Nebelung. Cats that are known longhair carriers are identified with a genotype of Nebelung as well even though we may not know how far back the LH gene entered the gene pool. Some registries may have a cat registered as a Russian Blue even though its pedigree indicates it has a Nebelung (or Longhair) genotype--the cats are recorded here by their genotype.
- FxN
- Records the historical genotype of the cat. N indicates a longhair or longhair carrier appears in the pedigree and Fx indicates the number of generations back the longhair cat occurs where x = the number of generations.
- FxS
- Records the historical genotype of the cat. S indicates the cat has a longhaired cat or carrier behind it but was DNA-tested as homozygous shorthair which means it doesn't carry longhair.Consequently the cat has been returned to Russian Blue status. Fx indicates how many generations back the cat is that was DNA-tested for Shorthair where x indicates the number of generations.
- Eastern European cats
- The Russian Blue was historically important in the Eastern European countries however during the Communist era there was little to no breeding of pedigreed cats. Today the interest in the cat fancy is in full swing including the long-beloved Russian Blue. In some cases, blue domestic shorthairs have been used to help develop the breed in these countries. We are tracking the influx of these cats for historical and health reasons. Some of them have introduced the longhair gene accidentally and this database classifies them as Nebelungs. Whenever new cats are introduced to a stable gene pool there is the potential to introduce recessive deleterious genes so we track these cats in case a problem develops later on. To date, we have not identified any health problems associated with these cats.
- FxE
- Records the historical genotype of the Eastern European cats where E stands for Eastern Europe and FxE indicates the number of generations back that the Eastern European cat was introduced where x = the number of generations.
- Outcross Combinations
- For completeness we have recorded combined genotypes. FxME, FxNE, FxMN, and FxMNE record the historical genotype of cats with ancestry includes cats which are not considered part of the traditional Russian Blue breed pool. Fxyy indicates the number of generations back that the non-standard cat was introduced where x = the number of generations and yy = the combination of new genes that have been introduced. An FxS cat could also be use in which case the gentotype combinations would include the letter S.
- Additional DNA Tested Genotype Codes:
- CPC = Carries pointed
LHC = Carries longhair
LHC? = Suspected or possible longhair carrier
NCP = Does not carry pointed
NPRA = Tested negative for PRA
NHCM-R = Tested negative for the Ragdoll variant of HCM
- Additional Notes
- X* or *X: Some European countries in FIFe use a country identifier at the beginning or end of the cat's name. X = the country identifier. So FIN* in front of the cat's name would mean the cat was bred in Finland and *RU at the end of a cat's name would mean the cat was bred in Russia. We have tried to retain that information wherever possible..
Breeder: the person who bred the cat.
Owner: the person who owns the cat.
Source: Where we obtained the information in the cat's record.
xx/yy or xx/yy/zz: Indicates where the cat was born and where it resides. xx = the country that cat was born in; yy = the place the cat resides; zz means the cat moved to live in another country. For example, CA/US means the cat was born in Canada and resides in the US while CA/NL/DK means the cat was born in Canada and was exported to The Netherlands and then exported again to Denmark. The two letter ISO country codes are used to identify the countries.
(Imp): Indicates the cat was imported to another country.
- Using Advanced Search:
- Use this feature to combine multiple criteria for a search. For example, to find all male cats that have been tested not to carry points and whose names begin with K, you would choose Name Starts With K & Gender = Male & Color Includes NCP. Or you could look for all cats that have been imported to Japan from Canada using the search criteria Name Includes (Imp) & Registration Number Includes CA/JP
- Titles:
BW = Breed Winner (CFA)
Ch / Pr = Champion / Premier
DGC / DGA = Double Grand Champion / Double Grand Alter (TICA)
DM = Distinguished Merit (CFA); male who has sired 15 GC/GP; female who is dam of 5 GC/GP
EC = European Champion
EGIC / EGIP = European Grand International Champion / Premier
GC / GP = Grand Champion / Grand Premier
GIC / GIP = Grand International Champion / Premier
GRC / GRA = Grand Champion Grand Alter (TICA)
IC = International Champion
IGC = International Grand Champion (CCA)
Imp GC = Imperial Grand Champion (GCCF)
IW = International Winner (TICA)
JW = Junior Winner (FIFe)
MGC = Master Grand Champion (CCA)
NW = National Winner (CFA)
OS = Outstanding Sire (TICA); male who has sired 15 GRC/GRA
OD = Outstanding Dam (TICA) female who is dam of 5 GRC/GRA
QGC / QGA = Quadruple Grand Champion / Quadruple Grand Alter (TICA)
RW = Regional Winner
SC = Supreme Champion (FIFe)
SGC/ SGA = Supreme Grand Champion / Supreme Grand Alter (TICA); 6000 points + a Best Cat
TGC / TGA = Triple Grand Champion / Triple Grand Alter (TICA)
WC = World Champion
- Shortcut keys (Windows)
- Text field-alt+t
Search-alt+s List Dead Ends-alt+l
Mail-alt+m Print-alt+p Offspring-alt+o