CH Tsar Blu's Zafire of Kyina



    Zafire was our first queen and came to us from our friend Donna (Tsar Blu) in California. We knew we wanted to call the first girls in our program after precious gemstones and we knew Donna liked all her cats' names to begin with Z.  We chose Zafire as a play on Sapphire.

    Zafire was truly aristocratic and believed that all people existed solely to serve her.  She ruled people and other cats as a true Czarina!  But every night she curled up in bed with us.

    Her large emerald eyes and regal bearing are attributes she has contributed to our breeding program that are still seen in all our cats.

    Award Winning Offspring
    RW Talisker Crossfire

Photo © Kyina Images
Russian Blue breeders Greater Toronto Area GTA, Ontario, Canada