1967 CFA Yearbook Articles
1966-1967 Show Season
Best Cat:
Silva-Wyte Trafari of J.B.
An Editorial
by Robert H Winn,CFA Attorney
How The Yearbook Got Started:
A Salute to the Two Previous Editors
Biographical Sketches: Mrs Bess Morse
Ellen Dickie
Cats Magazine and the Cat Fancy
by Ray Smith
A Cat May Look On A King
by Mrs John Bloem
The Years Ahead
by Robert H Winn
Best Cat--Opposite Sex:: Pharoah Rameses II
Breeds & Breeding
Korat Story
by Daphne Negus
Red Abyssinians
by Edna Field
The Ankara Cat
by Ellen Dickie
The Russian Long-Haired Cat
by Ellen Dickie
Manx and Me
by Barbara St Georges
Will The Real Russian Blue Stand Up
by Bob Hazlett
The Tortoiseshell Outcross for Improving Red Tabbies
by D Anderson
Fifty Years Ago in the Fancy: Australian Cats
by Dorothy Mason
Feline Virus Diseases
by Richard L Ott, DVM
What The Breeder Expects of the Veterinarian
by C. Streetman
Modern Veterinary Practice
These articles used by permission from
Modern Veterinary Practice Reference & Data Library
Examination of Cats at Shows
by Madeline Sheppard, MRCVS
Cause of Deaths in Kittens
Tomcat Spraying
Breeding by Castrated Cats
Inheritance Pattern of Deafness in White-Coated Cats
"Wool-Eating" by Siamese Cats
Scattered Skin Lesions in Neutered Cats
An Unusual Nervous Syndrome in Cats
Breeding Behavior of Female Cats
Carolyn Cartwright, DVM
Food and Growth of Kittens
by E. M. Widdowson, DSc, PhD
Red Tuna for Cats
Treatment for Lungworms
by R. Connan, BVetMed, MRCVS & Joe Zurborg
A Comparison of the Sexual and Catnip Responses
by Joseph K. St. Georges
Best Alter:
Fongin A-Two
International News & Judging News
The British Cat Fancy
by Eileen Lentaigne
A Cat Fancier in Turkey
by Shirley Johnson
Report from Mrs Rita Swenson
, Judging Program Chairman
Honoring 2 CFA Judges Emeriti
: Mrs Marguerite SaxbyMabie & Mrs John H Revington